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Archive for the ‘Websites You Should Check Out’ Category

Worksheet Gold Mine!

Thursday, March/03/2010

Super Teacher Worksheets
Super Teacher Worksheets is one of the most complete, high quality collections of well thought-out worksheets that I’ve come across in a long time.  If that wasn’t enough, they’re also free!

Math, reading, writing, grammar, phonics, spelling, science and social studies worksheets are well organized, which means you won’t be wasting time trying to find what you want.  Each also comes with its own answer key.

Since there are numerous variations for each subject,  it should be easy to find the perfect way to present material to your students.

Here is a sample worksheet for counting coins. Clearly, these worksheets aren’t just thrown together. There is a lot of meat on these bones.

You simply must go check this out.  Now!

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American History Resources

Sunday, January/01/2010

Digital History screenshot

Digital History is an educational and non-commercial site designed specifically for history teachers and their students.

Original reference documents, images, study guides, multimedia exhibits, maps, music, event summaries and much more are copyright-free and span from pre-1763 to the present.

The resources are advanced enough to engage older kids and yet simply stated enough to make them accessible to younger students.

You owe it to yourself to check out this site before making any new American history lesson plans.

Take me to Digital History right now!

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Great Tool for Teaching Planets and Space

Saturday, August/08/2009

I found a really cool resource that is sure to be a hit with kids while also presenting a great opportunity to visually explore concepts like orbit, rotation and the solar system.

The Solar System

To operate the solar system, all you have to do activate the “sky” is place your mouse on the screen.  I got the most natural looking results by placing my mouse on the Sun  and then slowly moving my cursor along its outside edge.  Placing your cursor outside the Sun up to about an inch exaggerates the motion further (smaller monitors require less, larger monitors require more).

I’d tell you more about how it works, but half of the fun and most of the knowledge comes from figuring it out for yourself.

While not an “official” NASA-approved representation of our universe, it does convey a sense of the vastness and complexity of our solar system.

This cool tool is the result of a computer programmer named Will Jessup who created it simply to show off a bit of clever code he’d crafted.  The second I saw it I realized that it could be used for educational purposes.

One of my favorite things to do was to place my cursor at roughly 2:00 o’clock, right on the edge of the Sun.  Then I’d watch Pluto disappear into the vast beyond and  return from its incredible orbital path.  Somehow my humble little computer monitor seemed to stretch for miles!

Take a minute to play with this fascinating tool.  I’ll bet you’ll like it.

Take me to Will Jessup’s Planet Rotator script!

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Blackline Masters Worth Your Time

Sunday, June/06/2009

LauraCandler Screenshot

I found another website that deserves your attention. It’s produced by a 28 year veteran teacher, Laura Candler, and has well-organized and extensive resources.

She has produced 13 books for sale but has also offered 100’s of blackline masters for free. Yes, she likes to share and the quality of these freebies is head-and-shoulders above many paid offerings.

Do you teach Math, Science, Health, Language Arts, Social Studies, Literary Lessons, Holidays, Accelerated Reading, Cooperative Learning, Center Activities and other odds ‘n ends?  Then you need to familiarize yourself with the deep well that is Laura Candler’s website.

This link will take you directly to her “file cabinet,” which contains the bulk of the free materials. I have no doubt that you’ll check out the rest of her site while you’re there.

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Need Your Help

Wednesday, June/06/2009

I’ve always tried to shine a light on websites that have really good (free or awfully close to it) teaching resources .  Lately I’ve hit a rut and haven’t spotted anything worth mentioning.

I’m asking you, my readers, to drop me an e-mail about sites you really like so that I can share the information with the thousands of fellow teachers that visit this site.

I’m open to any type of resource, but would prefer to skip the “link farms.”

Thanks in advance for any hot tips!

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