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Posts Tagged ‘flash cards’

Animal Classification

Wednesday, January/01/2010


Little known fact: the second most sought after song available on this website is “Animals Belong in Class,” by Teacher and the Rockbots.

This song helps listeners differentiate between mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, amphibians and arthropods by calling out descriptive clues about each class and then asking listeners to deduce the correct class.

“Animals Belong In Class” song sample

Like most music on this site, it comes with printable flash cards, worksheets, Cloze reading and vocabulary studies, wiki links and a lesson plan.

You can check it out more closely by visiting the  Animal Classification web page and you can download or buy the CD by clicking here.


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Learn the 50 States

Wednesday, January/01/2010

“Let’s Learn the 50 States” is the most downloaded song from the Teacher and the Rockbots’ educational music catalogue. It is modern, energetic and not childish like so much of the genre.

In addition to the song itself, there are printable flashcards and worksheets, wiki references and the bonus video above. All are free and can be used with or without the song itself.

You can check it out more closely by visiting the 50 States web page and you can download or buy the CD by clicking here.

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Free, Effective Flash Card Generator

Thursday, February/02/2009

I recently discovered a simple and completely free flash card generator.

The website is and despite the site’s incredibly ugly interface, the results are superb.

You just type in your question on one side, the answer on the other and then select how you want the cards to look.

Here is a set of multiplication cards that I produced in about 1 minute, complete with score marks so that it will be easy to know where to fold:  See my example

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