Totally 3rd Grade Blog
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Archive for October, 2013

I Am a Teacher by Thomas Sinclair

Monday, October/10/2013

I went to college, got a four year degree.
Was required to go back to college and get a Master’s Degree.
I applied for many positions and even worked as a substitute teacher.
I endured state and national testing.
I was finger printed and background checked.
I trained before, during, and after my training/ education.
I continue to train because I am a lifelong learner.
Since full time employment, I have sacrificed time, sleep, and Family.
I have sacrificed my own money year after year to provide for my students.
I am a teacher.
I have learned, lasted, endured change, endured further change, and endured orders to embrace the change.
While you were sleeping, I have corrected papers and tests, researched and created, and endured harassing phone calls and emails with grace and professionalism.
I teach the kids who live on your streets.
I teach the kids that have been bailed out of jail.
I teach the kids who have been kicked out of psychiatric centers because they were beyond help.
I teach the kids whose home situations you could never imagine even in your worst nightmares.
I teach ALL students no matter their socio-economic status, race, ethnicity, medical/ psychiatric condition, good or poor attitude, religion, family circumstances.
When accused by the federal and state government for being part of a failing system,
I endure name calling, shame, and criticism simply because I am a teacher.
I am professionally evaluated on two days worth of test scores and not the amount of time and effort I put into my teaching.
And despite it all,
I AM a teacher
And devoted to this noble calling.

This first appeared as a Facebook post October 3, 2013.

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