Totally 3rd Grade Blog
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Archive for May, 2013

“Every Kid Needs a Champion” by Rita Pierson

Friday, May/05/2013

Rita Pierson has a clear understanding about the importance of making a real connection to the students in her classroom even though the system in which she works does not.

The next time one of the bobble-headed idiots from administration suggests that you become a “yes man” and just follow their ill-planned guidelines, politely nod your head, walk away and then do the right thing.

Failure on the part of incompetent administrators doesn’t have to equal failure on your part toward your students.

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Every Teacher’s Story (If They’re Really a Teacher)

Friday, May/05/2013


My wife spotted this video yesterday and even though the video is new to us, the message is not.

Every single word in this video has come out of my wife’s mouth in recent years and I suspect that the truth represented here is so universal that anyone who knows a teacher well will attest to hearing these things as well.

What do you think? Is this the new reality for all teachers?

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